
Welcome to Quevedo International Limited

Our Services



Other Services

Other Services

Rehabilitation /Upgrade/Fabrication Works
Minor Civil, Mechanical or Electrical Services, Culverts, Minor Metal Fabrication, Drainage, Underground Storage Tanks (UST), Surface Stgorage Tanks (SST), Overhead Tanks etc.

On-shore Pipeline/Storage Facility Maintenance Services
Pipelines /Storage Facilities Maintenance, Pipelines Pigging and inspection, Non Destructive Testing (NDT), Corrossion Prevention and Control Services (Carthodic Protection, Coating) etc.

Equipment / Materials Supply Services
Supply, Installation and Maintenance of Oil Field equipments and Materials e.g Computer/ Data Storage Syvstem, Communication Equipment, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Spare Parts, Chemical Supply (General Purprpose Analar Grade), Office and Household Appliances.

Protocol and Logistics Services
Car/ Vehicle Hire and Leasing.

Marine Support Services
Supply, Installation and Maintenance of Marine Navigational/ Communication Equipments, Marine Logistics, Cargo Handling/Storage etc.

Haulage Services
Road Haulage, Petroleum product Haulage, Domestic Waste Transportation.