
Welcome to Quevedo International Limited

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Health Safety & Environment

Health Safety & Environment

Occupational Health & Safety Policy
Quevedo Int’l Ltd health and safety policy is centered on the principle of “SAFETY FIRST”. This policy thrust underscores the premium the company places on safety and wellbeing of its people by giving primary consideration to the good health and safety of people and property in any environment in which it operates.

Quevedo Int’l Ltd is committed to responsible occupational health and safety management as an integral part of its business policy. This commitment is demonstrated by establishing and operating an occupational health and safety management policy that complies with legislation, local and international regulations and industry codes of practice. The system is documented in the company’s EHS Manual and establishes the framework that ensures that the company’s occupational health and safety policies are effectively implemented. This commitment will be demonstrated by:
1. Complying with relevant occupational health and safety legislation, regulations and industry codes of practice.
2. Ensuring that the company’s occupational health and safety policy is effectively implemented by applying appropriate management system.
3. Providing resources for the management of policy.
4. Providing adequate health care facilities and services.
5. Providing training on occupational health issues, occupational hazards and administration.
6. Providing a conducive and healthy working environment.
7. Building and encouraging Occupational Health and Safety awareness among our people through effective leadership.

Environmental Policy
Our commitment to quality does not stop at providing quality products and services. It extends to the promotion of sound environmental, health and safety practices. The company fully appreciates and identifies itself with global concern on the environment and the sustainable development and other socio-economic aspirations of its host communities.

Quevedo Int’l Ltd is committed to responsible environmental management as an integral part of its business development activities. To enhance the full realization of this objective the company ensures that EHS issues are given due consideration in our decision making processes. This commitment is demonstrated by putting in place an appropriate environment management system that is compatible with the provisions and requirements of ISO 9004 and other international standards. The system and its operating procedures are fully documented in the company’s EHS manual and are periodically reviewed to ensure that they remain adequate.

In addition to the above, Quevedo Int’l Limited will demonstrate this commitment by:
1. Complying with relevant environmental legislation, regulations and industry codes of practice.
2. Building and encouraging environmental consciousness amongst our people by providing training and support.
3. Seeking continual improvement in the environmental performance of our operations.